Thursday, February 4, 2010


18 - 28 FEB 2010

The festival will open with the European premiere of Neil Jordan’s new film Ondine, starring Colin Farrell, a very special event with Jordan and Farrell attending the screening.

'Ondine' is showing at the Savoy at 19.30 on the 18th Feb 2010 but unfortunately, tickets have already SOLD OUT!


  1. I have to wait till the 4th April 2010. :)
    But I watched "Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" and I was very satisfied. :)

  2. I haven't seen it yet but intend too, and despite my reservations regarding 'Ondine', I think I will probably have to view it! : - )

  3. Hello Gemini, I'm so glad that you are back and I hope you are feeling well :)

    Just wondering what you meant by despite my reservations regarding 'Ondine', I think I will probably have to view it?

    I hope that didn't sound like I'm annoyed with your comment, I'm not at all, I just wanted to know your first impression of the whole thing/ movie?

    You can be very honest, its your blog :)


  4. Crazy Heart was great and Colin is perfect in it. Thrilled he's getting good reviews. I haven't seen Imaginarium yet- will this weekend. I'm with you Gemini- I have reservations about Ondine but he and the little girl got great reviews and were nominated by the Irish film folk so hoping for the best. Triage is the one I can't wait for. The trailers look soooooo good. The Way Back looks good too. Lots of Colin to look forward to - yipee!

    For ABC's fans, Friendship was reviewed in Variety today. The two actors got some praise. I'll skip this one.

  5. I agree Colin has some good roles coming up and ready for viewing.

    'Ondine' was just a little tarnished for me because of the relationship with ABC and the circumstances surrounding their pairing. I'm not trying to judge them as people, I know people fall in love and that you can't always help who you fall in love with, but it just put me off this particular film.

    I'm also slightly concerned that Colin now appears to be 'seeking' or least 'voicing' his attraction towards wanting to do another Hollywood big budget action film.

    Seems a little odd for a man whom has worked so hard to try and steer himself away from such films over the last few years, that he should now be advertising himself at press conferences as being 'open to the idea' again?!

  6. Yes, sounds desperate, and he shouldn't do it because it only makes him look bad.
    It is josh, his agent the one who should say it to producers in private meetings.
    I have reservations about ondine too , gemini, because of the clips I saw. Colin looked awfull, too skinny, too dirty. There should be a limit to reality, after all it is a MOVIE. If you see triage's clips you will notice that despite he was too thin, his face looks very beautifull in many scenes. Colin's acting on ondine also was not good at all. The hot under the collar scene was painfull to watch. Again, quite the opposite of triage.
    Whatever Jordan says ,the sex scene on ondine was cut off because they wanted the movie to be pg 13 to enlarge the public. Nothing to do with Alicia being concerned with her son seing mom and dad rehersing his making! hahaha FERB

  7. Hi Ferb : - ) Good to hear from you again x

    I'm also not sure making it a PG 13 will work either, I don't think most youngsters even know who CF is anymore... man, how times have changed eh!
    And secondly, I can't imagine the students will be rushing to the cinema to watch a movie widely classed as being about a 'mermaid'. I suspect the odd boyfriend will get dragged along by his loved one, but I doubt it will be a joint choice, and in no way will he admit to it even if it was! LOL
    So it will certainly be interesting to see how this film goes down with the public in general... I think it's more a film that's going to be watched by CF & ABC fans, and of course the anti-fans too!!! LMAO

  8. So glad to see you back.
    I just went to the ondine site you posted to see that awfull clip again and it is gone. The other clips are still there, thou. hahaha
    Being a bit delusionall I'd say jordan read my coments on imdb last month, complaining about colin's bad acting, and removed it from the film, alongside the operatic sex scene. hahaha
    I think they thought that if sub teens like vampires and werewolfs, why not mermaids?????

  9. Interesting... how about a Mermaid who wipes out entire fishing village one by one and during the wee midnight hour with a single but deadly swipe of her razor-cutting fishy tail?! ; - ) LOL

  10. Ferb, nothing is gone. This part is still on Youtube:

    Anyway, I don't get your and Gemini distance to this film. At last "Ondine" got 8 IFTA nominations (I know, I know- it's Irish movie so it's quite obvious they like it). But it can't be so bad as you think- we watched only few random videos, maybe the rest is better. :)

  11. It's a great film. I saw it at the Toronto Film Festival and Alicja was excellent in it, very beautiful. Not sure why they axed the sex scene though, it wasn't that bad. Probably because of the situation between the two being lovers. I guess it was too much truth shown on film. I guess in a way it would be like a porn between the two...remember the 2003 scandal. But either way, their love on screen is electrifying as Neil Jordan mentioned. You can really see the genuineness between them. I really wished they had kept it in...I think the two look beautiful together and for the first time Colin looks like he is really in love, as someone pointed out. Its beautiful to see that on film between two people especially when its true love. I wish they would show real pictures of their baby now.

    Rose not Irish

  12. It's a film. They are acting. What is shown on film, isn't what is actually happening in real life. That sort of intensity has been pulled off by countless other screen couples, and they weren't "in love" in real life. I'm not saying that Colin, and Alicja weren't at one time infatuated with one another. It's obvious that they were, but I'm not convinced that they have ever been in love.

  13. Well a baby did come out of it and I believe that when a couple make love it has to be pretty intense for a baby to come out of it. I mean I might be wrong about that one, but I thought there was a doctor on this site, maybe they can confirm the orgasm rule and climax when it comes to concieving.

    Iris again

  14. I would really love to live in the fantasy world that most people on here seem to. You do not have to be in love to have sex with someone. Love isn't required to conceive. It would be nice if that were the case, but it's not. To me, it seems that this was all the happenings of lust, not love.

  15. is that wrong, Really?? Why is there an argument around their relationship being real or not? Who cares, Colin has slept with many woman and he was very happy to welcome his new son. He is happy either way you look at it. The only one woman he will ever truely love is his mother. He loves children and wants to have them and I don't believe he cares who he sleeps with to have them. IT doesn't matter to him. Alicja doesn't need Colin to get money or to get fame. She was already recognized in TRADE. They are both beautiful and look amazing together. Thats Hollywood and who is to say that it wasn't a set up for the two of them to be together to benefit others. What is love really? Lust always seems to come before love. Lust, Obsession, admiration, friendship, companionship and then love. It takes years to realise that you love someone and usually other than your parents, if its healthy, you don't know until they are gone. Love is the last thing you feel after someone has left when it comes to relationships between two people. Otherwise there would be no divorce or breakups. To be in love with someone is a moment in time...and usually its a miracle, like love at first sight...when two people have been looking at each other for a life time. The man I married told me we were soulmates and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, then I caught him kissing another woman on my honeymoon. I thought I knew what love was, I thought that I would be with him too, but after that it was easy to move on. No I'm not bitter, but its better to be in lust with someone even if its for a short period then to think you know what love really is and it be gone quicker then it came in. Lust is so intense and maybe love will come out of it...but in the mean time it feels better because you can leave at any time and not worry for the burden of heart break. I felt that with a boy I called My Timothy growing up, who became Anthony Pairnell. He broke my heart and he did it so well it never hurt again and he made it possible for me not to get lost in that feeling again with any other man. I can only try to be in-love, but it will never be real because he almost destroyed me and at times I can still feel it. Do you think boy's ever become men and if so WHEN?

