Thursday, December 3, 2009


Q: What was it like to work and sing with Colin Farrell?

Jeff: He was great to work with. With movies, you only have a certain time to pull it all together. For this one, we just had 24 days to do it, so you're really looking for comrades that can get the fire going, as quickly as possible. I think Colin worked maybe four or five days, but we hit it off, right off the bat. We approach the work in a similar way and got along great. It was a joy working with him.  I've admired him. The first time I saw him was in Tigerland, and I've been keeping up with his career. I loved In Bruges. I thought that was a great movie. And then, singing together is a great way to strike up a relationship with your fellow actors, when you harmonize. That all fell into place really well.

To read the full interview please click the link below:

Here's another great article regarding 'Crazy Heart' and it's screening...

There were a few technical glitches, a candid moment or two, and surprises in store for theatre-goers who attended the Los Angeles Times “Envelope” screening of  ”Crazy Heart” at the Landmark Theatre tonight in West Los Angeles.

Usually, when there is a sneak preview of a film, a director and/or actor (usually lower-down on the totem in co-star capacity) put in an appearance at a Q & A session held after the credits roll.  On this auspicious occasion, however, all the headlining actors (save for Colin Farrell), trekked onto the podium to meet & greet the excited audience.  *No of course not, Colin Farrell is A List don't you know... how many more times does he have to deny it?! ; - ) CFWB

In a nutshell, the film – Crazy Heart – is a well-crafted tale about a Country & Western star on the skids touring sleazy whiskey joints around the country to make ends meet.  When he gets a stab at a second chance in life, the film kicks into high gear, and becomes a bit of a morality tale.  In spite of that, Crazy Heart, never crosses the line to become too preachy.

To read the full article please click the link below:


  1. he has small part in this one, so he's probably not going to do a lot of promotion.

  2. You're probably right, but it's still a shame being as everyone else managed to put in an appearance, I guess Mexico was more appealing! : - )

  3. I don't blame him;P

  4. I have a question.. everyone assume that we'll see some photos from this charity thing on saturday but.. don't you thing that this things are rather closed for press or this one is something big and I just don't know that?

  5. I would doubt that there's any. If there are, I bet it would be just him arriving and leaving.

  6. Am inclined to agree with you Virgo... seems that's the only time we're allowed to see Colin Farrell the man these days... ; - )

  7. Colin is great in Crazy Heart. :)
