Friday, November 5, 2010


Here is an excellent review for you to read written by Sasha Stone.

Other than Ed Harris, who seems destined, finally, for an Oscar nomination (and could he win this time?), the other major standout is Colin Farrell. Watching Farrell here I was suddenly aware of how good he really is – even though he’s always good, but there is something different about his work now. What a shame that the press about his personal life eclipsed his obvious talent.

The Way Back is a film that I have been thinking about since I saw it. It joins 2010 as one of the most memorable years for visionary directors. It’s not an easy film, and many will give up on it during the first half – and if they do, they will miss what is best about it, the second half. It takes for the characters to reveal themselves and for the story to build.

To read the full review and I well recommend you do please click the link below


  1. "Watching Farrell here I was suddenly aware of how good he really is – even though he’s always good, but there is something different about his work now."
    Sasha is mischievous.Ola

  2. Umm... maybe Sasha (like so many) has only now just realised that Colin Farrell doesn't only make Hollywood main-stream films. And that in actual fact over the last few years he has been actively making the very opposite, which has put him firmly back on the map for 'real' film goers and directors alike.

    Whatever the reasons... CF himself I think must be very content to know he is once again viewed as an actor with credibility.

    Independent films has given him much to be thankful for; they certainly relieved him from the immense pressure of bringing in the big bucks for major Hollywood blockbusters - primarily for the guy's in suits whom invested so much of his then, namesake.

    And indeed the time away has proved prudent career wise for he is now an actor who is respected within an elite group... real movie-makers not money-makers!

    So indeed maybe Sasha is being 'mischievous' or, possibly discovering a new side to CF, which has rekindled her likeness of him again? I really hope so : - D

    PPSS! Sorry, pretty long one... got a roll there!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS. My only fear is Colin is now going to make an attempt to return to main-stream in an attempt to prove himself as a global commodity once again... but as an actor I guess this has to be one's 'ultimate' goal?

  3. Ola... sorry ;-D I'm not normally this bad - honest! xxx

  4. I saw the movie a long time ago and Colin did an outstanding job. So you are right to go on about him.

